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Microbes on Earth

R session 04 - R markdown

Daniel Vaulot


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  • What is Markown ?
  • Rmarkdown syntax
  • R chunks
  • Some applications
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What is markdown ?

  • Created in 2004 by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz

  • Goal : "to write using an easy-to-read and easy-to-write plain text format, optionally convert it to structurally valid HTML".

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What is markdown ?

  • Created in 2004 by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz

  • Goal : "to write using an easy-to-read and easy-to-write plain text format, optionally convert it to structurally valid HTML".

Many flavors...

  • MultiMarkdown
  • GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM)
  • Pandoc
  • CommonMark
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  • Markdown

    • paragraph structure
    • comments
    • links
  • R code ("chunks")

  • Output of R code

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Your first Rmarkdown file

Who has not been able to install Rmarkdown and Latex ?

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Your first Rmarkdown file

Who has not been able to install Rmarkdown and Latex ?

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Your first Rmarkdown file

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Your first Rmarkdown file

Knit to HTML

Save to "xxx.Rmd"

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Your first Rmarkdown file

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Your first Rmarkdown file

Knit of pdf

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Your first Rmarkdown file

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Markdown syntax


# Heading - level 1
## Heading - level 2
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Markdown syntax


# Heading - level 1
## Heading - level 2

Heading - level 1

Heading - level 2

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Markdown syntax


Paragraphs are separated
by a blank line.
Two spaces at the end of a line
produces a line break.
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Markdown syntax


Paragraphs are separated
by a blank line.
Two spaces at the end of a line
produces a line break.

Paragraphs are separated by a blank line.

Two spaces at the end of a line
produces a line break.

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Markdown syntax


_italic_, *italic*, **bold**, `monospace`.
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Markdown syntax


_italic_, *italic*, **bold**, `monospace`.

italic, italic, bold, monospace.

Do not mix straight and backward quotes

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Markdown syntax

Bullet lists

Bullet list:
* apples
* oranges
* pears
* passe crassane (4 spaces to indent)
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Markdown syntax

Bullet lists

Bullet list:
* apples
* oranges
* pears
* passe crassane (4 spaces to indent)
  • apples
  • oranges
  • pears
    • passe crassane
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Markdown syntax

Numbered lists

Numbered list:
1. wash
1. rinse
1. repeat
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Markdown syntax

Numbered lists

Numbered list:
1. wash
1. rinse
1. repeat
  1. wash
  2. rinse
  3. repeat
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Markdown syntax

[Text of the link](URL of the link)
# Example
[Markdown syntax](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/)
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Markdown syntax

[Text of the link](URL of the link)
# Example
[Markdown syntax](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/)

Markdown syntax

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Markdown syntax


![Image name](URL of the link - can also be a local file on your computer)
# Example
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Markdown syntax


![Image name](URL of the link - can also be a local file on your computer)
# Example

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Markdown syntax


ID | First | Last
--- | --- | ---
1 | Joe | Biden
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Markdown syntax


ID | First | Last
--- | --- | ---
1 | Joe | Biden
ID First Last
1 Joe Biden
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Rmarkdown conversion

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Rmarkdown conversion

  • knitr : R library

  • Pandoc : command line tool

    • Converts from md to pdf, html, docx...
> pandoc test1.md -f markdown -t html -s -o test1.html
# pdf
> pandoc test1.md -s -o test1.pdf

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The Rmarkdown file

File structure

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The Rmarkdown file

Knit process

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The Rmarkdown file


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R Chunks

Insert R chunk

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R Chunks

Run R chunk

  • Two options

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R Chunks

Option 1: Run R chunk inside Rmd file

  • Use when building and debugging an Rmd file

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R Chunks

Option 2: Knit R chunk to HTML

  • Use for final production

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What can you do with Rmarkdown ?

Document your data analyses

  • If the data changes, you can re-run analysis in a matter of minutes
  • More and more journal request analyses scripts
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What can you do with Rmarkdown ?


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What can you do with Rmarkdown ?


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What can you do with Rmarkdown ?

Curriculum vitae

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What can you do with Rmarkdown ?


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What did you learn ?

  • Rmarkdown: mix text, R chunk, R output
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What did you learn ?

  • Rmarkdown: mix text, R chunk, R output
  • Compile to HTML or to PDF
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What did you learn ?

  • Rmarkdown: mix text, R chunk, R output
  • Compile to HTML or to PDF
  • Can be used for many different purposes
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What did you learn ?

  • Rmarkdown: mix text, R chunk, R output
  • Compile to HTML or to PDF
  • Can be used for many different purposes
  • Use to document your analysis process (for papers...)
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  • What is Markown ?
  • Rmarkdown syntax
  • R chunks
  • Some applications
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